Message Logs

Modified on 2012/01/23 11:52 by Andrew Busby (CTS) — Categorized as: Uncategorized

The API (and trading frontend) will also log messages sent to and received from the server. These log files are created in the application Trace folder. They are stored in a binary format and can only be read by the TraceViewer application located in the application bin folder. The file association is set when the application is installed so double clicking the trace file should display it. Examination of these log files can help you determine whether or not you are sending / getting data. The following columns are displayed:

TimeThe local time that the message was sent or received.
DirWhether the message was sent (OUT) or received (IN)
TypeThe type of the message, e.g. Login, LoginResponse, etc. Most message types should be relatively meaningful as to the kind of data that they contain.
MessageA string representation of the actual message data.

Selecting a message, or several messages, causes them to be displayed in full in the bottom part of the screen.